Policy 600 Environmental Development Services
As per Bylaw 162-20 Official Community Plan, Section 2.5.2 states, “The RM will provide for a mix and range of development including agriculture, commercial, and recreation in order to promote economic development opportunities”.
Section 7.1 states, “Council acknowledges the significant important of the resources industry such as pipelines, oil and gas well as supporting infrastructure and will encourage opportunity where those resources are located”.
Policy 600-1 is the Commercial Development Policy for new businesses developing in the RM.
Policies 600-2 to 600-5 are guidelines for the Oil and Gas Industry. As well, please see related Policies in Section 400-29 to 400-32 as a guide for pipeline, power poles and approaches.
Also note, there is a minimum of 200 feet set back from the center of the road allowance for all above ground structures.